About Us

About us

We’re a group of schools dedicated to encouraging students to be themselves and explore beyond boundaries. We teach your children to think, explore, and learn with joy. Our core interests have since then developed but have remained in the sphere of quality education, commitment to excellence and shaping the future.

What's makes us unique ?

Our pedagogy is deeply inspired by India’s culture and the values of its ancient education system. By integrating this wisdom with contemporary methods of learning, Aggarwal Public School upholds the uniqueness of every child and teaches students how to identify their strengths and master their weaknesses.

Aggarwal’s holistic learning environment helps students establish themselves as thinking individuals and well-adjusted members of society. They attain the skills to live a balanced life and know how to stay healthy and happy while achieving success in their chosen careers.

Marching Towards Excellence

1.Balance Indian values with global advancements

2.Cultivate constructive &holistic learning experiences

3.Guide students in their journey of self - realisation

4.Steer them towards career choices in line with their unique personalities.

5.Help them become successful and productive members of society.

APS,BLB where every teacher is committed

1.Understand that each child is unique and special 2.Inspire children by making teaching innovative 3.Create an able, conducive learning environment 4.Guide children and incorporate discipline into their daily lives

5.Help children identify and channel their strengths

Student's empowerment at APS,BLB

1.Aim to be lifelong learners who empower themselves through education

2..Follow the codes of discipline and punctuality in day-to-day life

3.Identify their unique strengths, personality traits, and life path

4.Inculcate and apply Higher Order Thinking Skills to everyday life

5.Understand their responsibility towards their peers, society and environment


Educating students with secert of health and physical welleness

Real treasure of a society lies in libraries

Learning balance between life and chemistry

Let's take a glance at every sect of life and try making it worthwhile

Science can do wonders if studied with right attitudes